A best English Medical Studies/Poltava Ukrainian Medical And Dental Academy
Poltava Ukrainian Medical & Stomatological Academy a best Medical Education in English – A higher education institution for training of doctors, including dentists. The Academy started its operations in 1921 with odontological faculty of Kharkiv Medical Academy. In 1967, the Institute moved to the city of Poltava and renamed as the Poltava State National Medical University.
In 1994 Poltava Medical Dental University IV received the highest level of accreditation and status of Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy. In 2004, the IV accreditation level was confirmed.
Currently studying at the Academy of 3615 students, 1400 of them – foreigners from 42 countries. Training is conducted in the dental, medical faculties, faculty training foreign citizens Faculty of Graduate Education and the department of pre-university training. On the basis of the YMCA established college that prepares undergraduate and junior medical staff.
In the structure of the Academy were 56 departments, nine of them – support. Medical-advisory work carried out on the 35 clinical departments of the Academy, located in the best regional and city hospitals Poltava.
The Academy trains specialists in the following specialties:
- Dentistry (7.110106 training period of 5 years)
- General Medicine (7.110101 training period 6 years)
- Pediatrics (7.110104 training period 6 years)
- Nursing (5.110102), the period of study 2, on the basis of secondary education
- Prosthetic dentistry (5.110109), the period of study 2, on the basis of secondary education
- Farmatsiya (5.110201)
Form of training in the academy day and part-time training in the afternoon (evening classes).
The scientific potential of the YMCA – 82 doctors, 316 PhDs, 75 professors, 171 associate professors, 2 Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, 8 Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, 6 Honoured Doctor of Ukraine.
Over the last decade, the Academy held significant changes that allowed to go up to the university to a new competitive level of training, to introduce the most advanced technology training. Evidence of this is the Academy award two silver and bronze medals at international exhibitions of educational institutions “Modern education in Ukraine – 2001, 2002, 2004.
” In June 2003, the Academy took part in the ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine “Sophia of Kyiv”. For active work on improving the quality of modern education Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy was awarded a Diploma ranking of higher education institutions. In the category “quality of the third millennium,” Academy was awarded the silver stele and the diploma of the International Academic Rating “Golden Fortune”
From 1999 to 2009 at the Academy published over 710 educational benefits of various scientific subjects. In the last year received 106 patents of Ukraine and Russia. And compiled the program has seven academic schools: operative surgery and topographic anatomy, normal physiology, oral surgery, biological chemistry, pathology, dentistry, clinical and experimental pharmacology.
Ukraine, as a member of the UN and UNESCO is actively involved in the implementation of international programs in the field of higher education. Helps to foreign countries to prepare their national health workforce and Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy. In order to improve the quality of medical training of foreign nationality at the academy in 1992 the faculty to work with foreign students.
Now studying at the academy 1400 foreigners from 42 countries of the world (England,America,Ireland,Mexico,Italy,France,Denmark,Albania,Armenia,Romania,Palestine,Iraq, ,India,Cameroon,Kenya,Nigeria,Mongolia,China,Nepal,Iran, Syria, Morocco, Algeria,Jordan, Pakistan, Libya, Russia, Turkmenistan, and others).
They are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms contained the current legislation of Ukraine. Training of foreign nationals held in accordance with the curriculum and programs of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
International students on an equal footing with the students – citizens of Ukraine are classrooms, a library and reading rooms, sports facilities, it also highlights areas for cultural, religious events and fees fraternities. The educational process provides teachers with special training and experience in working with foreign nationals in the early stages of their training. After graduation, foreign students receive diplomas of international standard.
In 1997 the dean’s office was created by the preparatory department for foreign citizens. Students of the Preparatory Department are studying Russian language, style of speech science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, geography. In general, the work of the preparatory department aims at adapting foreign nationals to live and train in Ukraine
and familiarity with the culture and traditions of the Ukrainian people. Increasing trend to the further post-graduate training academy in clinical internship and graduate school. Now in different departments in the clinical residency improve their skills 42 foreigners – graduate dental and medical faculties. More and more foreigners who have completed residency and wish to continue their education in graduate school.
A Message from the Rector
A Best Medical University in UkraineUKRAINIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL/STOMATOLOGICAL ACADEMY (UMSA)has everything you need to train qualified Dentist,Nursing,Physicians and Pharmacists:
- – Highly qualified teachers
- – Well-equipped academic buildings and the clinical database
- – The unique foundations of scientific libraries, Internet
- – Infrastructure of the campus
A best High level professional instructors, well equipped study premises and clinical bases, unique book funds of the scientific library, Internet access, developed infrastructure of the students’ campus Who are interested in the mysteries of life – hour access to science labs, the opportunity to work on unique equipment, the chance to learn modern research technologies. We are proud of our 80-year history, its university, its employees, their present and future graduates!
We can and will bring specialists in Ukraine and abroad!
European Standard Education POLTAVA NATIONAL MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY (UMSA) offers an intimate, collegial environment, which fosters human values and genuine learning. This is in harmony with the traditional idea of living and learning together. New computerized technology, modern individual electronic communications, a newly introduced course of studies in English language, a significant number of high level inter- national academic conferences, participation with other universities in creating sophisticated programs of medical studies on par with those of Europe-this is a modern image for our University.
Social reforms in our nation have touched not only the practice of medicine but also medical education. We have always endeavored to change with the changing times but as often were the initiators of reforms in higher medical education. This not only aided us in withstanding difficult times but also allowed us to move ahead. I am sure you will feel at home here, and your decision to choose our POLTAVA NATIONAL MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY (PNMDU).
The most important principle of our work is a wish that science and medicine were humane, highly intelligent, that the physician not only helped the person to overcome a disease, but also displayed kindness, high morals and worked for the positive development of mankind.
I welcome those aspiring candidates, who have dream to serve the society as a doctor. Our location, facilities, teachers and programs were all chosen to provide the students with the greatest possible opportunity to achieve their goals. Our spacious and modern facilities provide our students with a pleasant study atmosphere.
prof. Zhdan V.M.
Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences,Academician of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Head of Department of General Practice- Family Medicine
Poltava Ukrainian Medical & Stomatological Academy (UMDA),is one of the largest and best medical universities of the former USSR. Since then, over 40,000 highly skilled doctors, well known scientists, researchers, health service organizers from Ukraine, Russia, other European countries, Asian, African and American countries have graduated from UMDA.
By studying at UMDA, students gain their professional experience at 26 specialized bases-multifield medical and preventive organizations and research institutes and 28 specially equipped clinical bases-leading city hospitals, under the supervision of experienced specialists.
There are two scientific research institutes:the Institute of Medical Family Problems and Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Modern treatment methods such as kidney transplantation, open-heart surgeries with artificial blood circulation, extracorporal blood purification, biochemoabsorbtion and many others are applied in most of the clinics almost every day. Due to the high level of specialists training, UMDA or UMDA is one of the most attractive Ukrainian Medical Universities for foreign students.
More than 4,200 students from USA, India, Russia, Germany, Poland, Greece, Israel, China, Malaysia, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Peru, Palestine, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Mauritius, Pakistan and many other countries study at UMDA.
In total more than 52,000 highly qualified doctors, well-known scientists, researchers, health service organizers from Ukraine, Russia, other CIS countries and as well as from 96 countries of the world from Africa, Asia, Europe and Americas have graduated from thePOLTAVA STATE NATIONAL MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY.
Among them were more than 8000 foreign students from all over the world including 3 Doctors and 70 Candidates of Medical Science, about 200 clinical post-graduates (residents).
According to the Ukrainian Health Ministry Order N148 of March 22, 2004 UMDA has been appointed as Regional Centre of Bologna Process managing in Ukraine.
In 2005/06 academic year, UMDA has started teaching its students in accordance with the Bologna Agreement on specialists training using the credit-modular system, and upon completion of their education the students will obtain the Specialist Degree of European standard.
\ UMDA students will be able to study various academic modules at practically any European medical University and after getting the Specialist Degree they will have very attractive employment prospectiveUKRAINIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ACADEMYUMDAhas been recognized the best training-methodical centre among Ukrainian medical universities in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011 and was awarded with certificates from Ukrainian Health Ministry and Ministry of Education.
Students of POLTAVA NATIONAL MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY UMDAcan make transfers of their credits to any other European medical university anytime after completing their first year of education at USMA. UKRAINIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ACADEMY USMA is the regional centre for Bologna process managing in Ukraine.
POLTAVA NATIONAL MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY UMDAworks actively for transfer of students from other European universities to USMA and from USMA to other universities of Europe and Americas. Transfer to other European universities are made under bologna process and to the universities of Canada and USA on the basis of the agreements of USMA with this Universities.
UKRAINIAN MEDICAL STOMATOLOGICAL ACADEMY UMDAhas signed for cooperation and for students transfer with almost 160 different Universities of the different countries among them are the universities of CIS, Europe, Canada, USA and with some Arabic countries.
At theUKRAINIAN MEDICAL DENTAL/STOMATOLOGICAL ACADEMY USMAthere are eight faculties including preparatory faculty for foreign students. The UKRAINIAN MEDICAL DENTAL/STOMATOLOGICAL ACADEMY trains specialists along the following education / qualification levels: Junior specialists, specialists, Masters for the following specialties:
- Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Dentistry
- Pharmacy
- Nursing
- Public Health
- Post-Graduate Education
- Preparatory Department
- Medical clinic of Umda
The history of the formation and development of health (medical) faculty
Given the needs of doctors in Poltava profile in 1971 when the Poltava Medical Dental Institute was opened treatment (now Medical) Department. The first dean of the medical faculty was professor VF Postnikov (1971 – 1973), in a little while Dean was appointed associate professor VI Sanika (1973 – 1977). These deans had great organizational work on the formation of personnel, organization of educational process.
During its existence the department has trained almost 8,000 medical practitioners, surgeons, obstetricians – gynecologists, neurologists, optometrists, urologists, infectious disease, many doctors of other specialties, not only for the Poltava region, and all of Ukraine, the Middle abroad. 30 years ago to create institute faculty were invited specialists of high qualifications from other educational and medical institutions. More than a quarter century on the faculty are professors PY Chumak, AP Gasyuk, GT Dream Interpretation, JP Kostylenko EA Vorobyov, MA Biophysics. Under the faculty deans vybyralys professors VP Mishchenko (1977 – 979), JA Maksymuk (1977 – 1983), JP Kostylenko (1986 – 1991), Associate Professor: A. Lagutin (1983 – 1986), V. Bobyrov (1991 – 1992), BF Shish (1992 – 1993), IP Katerenchuk (1993 – 2001), BP Lysenko (2001 – 2002), GM Traverse (2002 – 2006), T. Krjuchko (2007).
Dean of the Medical Faculty Ryabushko Nikolai, PhD, Associate Professor of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology of Clinical Immunology and Allergology. Born in 1963 in the village. Panchenko Lebedinsky district of the Sumy region. In 1985 he graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sumy State Pedagogical Institute .. AS Makarenko. From 1985 to 1990 he worked as a teacher and school principal. From 1990 to 1991, he was elected 1st Secretary Lebedinsky LCD LKSMU (MDS) Sumy region. From 1991 to 1997 he studied at the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy for medical school. In 1998 he graduated from the Master in “therapy”. Since 1998 Assistant Professor, and since 2003 Associate Professor of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology UMSA.
In 2002 he defended his thesis on “Therapeutic and preventive efficiency of natural sorbent and antioxidants in the body is prolonged fluoride” and received the title of candidate of medical sciences. Ryabushko MM is the author of 18 scientific and methodological papers and 3 patents of Ukraine. The main thrust of research papers on directions: Toxicology. Prevention. Antioxidants. Specialty currently enrolled student in 1221, of which 769 persons – the budget form. Faculty of Medicine of Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy are trained in “medicine”.
Faculty of Medicine of Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy staffed by qualified scientific and pedagogical staff: 281 teachers, including 53 medical doctors and professors and 177 candidates of medical sciences and professors, among them – 7 Honored Scientist of Ukraine, 6 Honoured Physicians of Ukraine, 2 State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 27 academicians specialized academies.
Training is conducted in 23 departments. All clinical departments are headed by professors.The main focus of the Faculty is to train highly qualified professionals who know their job well, are highly basic and vocational training aimed at achieving high end results of public health, educated in the spirit of progress and achievements of world science and culture. Medical School Graduates receive a state diploma, which reflects a higher education in “medicine”.
The main strategic objective of the medical faculty – training a new generation of specialists capable of operating in a competitive environment of modern society. Therefore, from 2005 to the educational process and the course started by European standards of quality training by the Bologna Convention.
Formed and fruitful scientific work – teaching school: Pathology (Head – Doctor of Medicine, Professor Anatoly P. Gasyuk) Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (Head – Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, MD, professor Bobyrov Viktor) therapy ( Director – MD, Katerenchuk Ivan), childhood diseases (Head – MD, Traverse Galina M.), which provides research for Masters and postgraduate courses.
Leisure students of medical faculty
Medical School Students actively participate in the work of cultural and educational activities (Head – Nikina Natalia A.) where created song ensemble “Mallows” brass band and other student groups. In each course (and even more – the faculty) traditionally established team of cheerful and smart. Comic Medical School “FILINZ” – winner of the student league CEC of Ukraine, winner of the festival fun and smart clubs “Pearl umorya – 2005.” Sports fans in the department of physical education are sports section.
For success in training students can get thanks, premium, high scholarship, a Fellow of the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and students budget learning with high performance results have right at the end of the first study to choose the distribution place to work. Medical School Students and create active in community organizations Academy: student councils, student parliament, trade union committees.
For students the necessary social conditions for training, accommodation, medical care, nutrition and physical improvement of the students. Medical School Students live in dormitories 2 total area of 11,684 m2 (living area of 5703 m2). At the hostel number 4 completed block reception area of 1604 m2, which placed the department of physical education and health. The group are 4 gyms.
Students and faculty members have the opportunity in their free time to engage in extra spacious gyms, improve their physical condition at the gym. All dormitories Academy 100 percent of soft and hard implements, enacted laundry. Students serve restaurant and 3 bars to 318 seats. In the summer, the academy is health and sports camp for 100 places for students, staff and faculty, located in the beautiful suburb.
The faculty trained 11 students, orphans, who are on full state provided, 28 students – victims of the Chernobyl accident and 19 disabled students. These students are entitled to the extraordinary settlement in a dormitory and receive an additional stipend. One time during the school year, students conducted a medical examination in order to identify clinical patients treated in clinical records, and have the opportunity to receive vouchers for the rest of the student camp.
For More Details
Visit: http://www.umsa-poltava.com.ua/