Osh State University
Osh State University was founded on 24 May 1951 as Osh State Pedagogical Institute.It achieved status of the University on 17 june 1992.The city of Osh provides a unique setting for the urban campus of OshSU. At the heart of this picturesque city lies the OshSU administrative campus, with the remaining departments located throughout the city.OshSU is the leading educationl, cultural and scientific center of southern Kyrgyzstan.The faculties of the University prepare specialists to respond to all the region’s needs. The University sows the seeds of science and domocracy that will bloom throughout the country.
Today,Osh State University in figures.
Students ………………………………………………………………….41,000
Educational,Scientific Research Institutes………………………………..18
Educational Campus………………………………………………………….23
In 1992, considering need of acceptance of additional measures for social and economic and cultural development of the South of the republic, increasing need of this region for training of highly qualified specialists and scientific professionals, the Osh state pedagogical institute was transformed to the Osh state university (The decree of the President of KR No. VII – 202 of 17.06.92; No. 20/4 MONIQUE CR’S Order of 02.06.92).
The management of the Osh state university headed by the rector, professor B. Zh. Beshimov with support of the chief of regional Management of health care and administration of the Osh area got down to big preparatory work on registration of demanded documentation in the Ministry of Education, sciences and cultures of KR for creation of medical faculty. It required a lot of effort and energy for the organization of new faculty from the university management and also prominent representatives of practical health care, such, as
Dr.Risaliyev D. D.,
Dr. Toychuyev R. M.,
Dr.Dzhumabayev ,
Dr. Shaynazarov T.Sh.,
Dr. Atakhanov K.A. ,
Dr.Maksimbekov I.N. ,
Dr.Jeenbayev J.J. ,
Dr.Baysalov A.B. and also head of health department of Osh region.
In 1992, based on the documents submitted by university, the decision on opening of medical faculty on the basis of the Osh state university (The resolution of the government of KR No. 552 of 5.11.92 is made; the order of Ministry of Health of KR No. 324 of 17.11.92,). Professor Dr.Jeenbayev J.J was appointed dean of the medical faculty. He contributed much for opening and the organization of this faculty. Regional chief of the health care management Dr. Risaliyev D. D. supervised the medical faculty.
The first batch of students was admitted in 1993 consisting of 115 young boys and girls (100 – on the budgetary form of education, including “General Medicine” – 50 students, “pediatrics” – 50 students and 15 students on the specialty “General Medicine” – on contract form of education). Educational process was carried out by two chairs – chair Biochemical disciplines (Head department Dzhunusov .J. ) and chair of morphological disciplines with office of a Clinical course (Head department Prof. Zhaparov B. Zh.) .
In 1998 Professor Risaliyev D. D. who made a big contribution to opening and formation of medical faculty of Osh State University was elected as dean of the faculty. Taking into account reforms of health system, the specialty “General Medicine” and “pediatrics” were united in one specialty “General Medicine” for training of general practitioners. Over time new specialties – “stomatology”, “health care management”, “medico-preventive”, “pharmacy” were open.
Training of specialists on clinical internship was started. Scientific work occupied main focus in faculty activity. At the initial stage of development the faculty was engaged in research work on the subject “Influence of a Monoculture of Cotton and Tobacco on Health of the Population of the Southern Region in the conditions of Agro-industrial Transformation”. The solution of a scientific task was carried out on 5 blocks: Epidemiology, immunology, virology; microbiology and health care organization; clinical disciplines; chemical and biological disciplines; morphological disciplines; sector of young scientists and SNO.
The head of the first NIR block was MD, professor Risaliyev D. D. Within this block work on subjects was performed: “Development and improvement of the production technology of a neurofabric anti rabies vaccine “Lissavak”; “Justification of improvement of system of primary medical and sanitary help to inhabitants of rural areas in the conditions of health care reorganization”; “Economy and the mechanism of management of system of financing of rural health care (on Kyrgyz Republic Osh area materials)”; “Tuberculosis epidemiology in the Osh area in modern conditions”. Researches conducted Candidate of Medical Sciences associate professors I. Taychiyev, A. Shamshiyev, A. Abdullaeva, To. Atakhanov, senior lecturers: T. Mamayev, K. Kudayberdiyeva, K. Amatakhunov, assistants B. Orozbekova, A. Baygaziyeva.
The second NIR block was headed by Professor Mamasaidov A.T. , performed work on subjects: “Studying of immunogenesis and development of methods of immunodiagnostics at rheumatologic diseases”; ” treatment of the combined fractures of long tubular bones”; “Modern methods of diagnostics and diphtheria treatment in children”; “Comparative studying of the Clinico-morphological and epidemiological characteristic of patients with broncho-pulmonary pathology and diseases of a gastrointestinal path in conditions the Tobacco producing regions of the Osh area”; “Geographical and climate features of bone regeneration and healing of wounds, methods of their stimulation at extreme situations”. Performers were: MD, professors Y.Dzh. Dzholdubayev, Zh.M. Mamanazarov, … associate professors A. Bekmurzayev, T. Shaynazarov, Z. Nuruyeva, A. Razzakov, assistants G. Baymurzayeva, I. Sulaymanova, A. Zakirov, M. Shermatova, E. Absamatov.
The head of the third NIR block was MD, professor Zh.A. Chotoyev. Under its guide to subjects: “Synthesis and studying of properties of new connections and the amino acids with biometals of transitional elements”; “Interspecific contacts of small mammal southern slopes of Alay ridge”; “Research and development of laser methods of a data recording”; “Influence of fertilizers on a crop and quality of tobacco and a cotton on typical gray soils of the South of Kyrgyzstan”; “Dynamics of changes of activity of enzyme Creatinine Phosphokinase in serum of blood of patients with a craniocereberal trauma in age aspect”; “Compensatory and adaptive molecular mechanisms of muscles of heart on hypoxia” conducted the researches: Candidate of Medical Sciences associate professors A. Zhunusov, N. Abdyganyev, M. Ergeshbayev, A. Nuradiyeva, assistants A. Mataipova, K. Sagynbayeva.
Under the leadership of Professor Zhaparov B. Zh. the fourth NIR block conducted researches on the following subjects: “Studying of influence of monocultures of cotton and tobacco on a morpho-functional condition of a stomach, system of mother-placenta-fetus”; “Anthopometrical features of anatomic development of children and teenagers of the southern region in the conditions of a cotton and tobacco monoculture at agro-industrial transformation”; “Research of features of very tectonics of various fields of a brain in various anatomo-physiological aspects”. Performers: Candidate of Medical Sciences associate professor Shatmanov S. T. assistants Berkmamatov Sh. T. Baygazakov A.T.
Within the fifth NIR block which was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences associate professor I.T. Taychiyev performance of various subjects by young scientists and scientific student’s organization (SNO) of faculty was coordinated. Systematic works with graduate students on preparation and delivery of candidate examinations were carried out, the Provision on faculty SNO is developed, its Council is created, scientific student’s conferences were annually held. Performers were Sakibayev K.Sh. Groshev S. A. etc.
Indicator of certain achievements in scientific work of faculty is successful protection of doctoral and candidate dissertation. It is enough to note defense of doctoral dissertations by D. Risaliyev in 1997 in scientific research institute of epidemiology, microbiology and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan and Zh. Zheenbayev in 1998 in the Moscow Medical academy named Sechenov. Defense of the master’s thesis by Karikmov A.K. took place. in 1998 and Baygazakova A.T. in 2000. 10 more graduate students and competitors of faculty actively worked over the scientific researches. Big help to them was given by the senior mentors.
International relations are established also. The faculty cooperated with Akmolinsk medical institute, the Krasnodar medical institute, medical faculty of university Ankara, Turkey, the New York Academy of Sciences (USA). Also on implementation of development of the production technology of a nerve-fibre antirabies vaccine “Lissavak” there were scientific communications with Merie Pasteur’s Institute in France (doctor Henry Tsiyant, the WHO expert), Institute biological Standards in Denmark (doctor F.H. Meslin), Institute of poliomyelitis and viral encephalitis of the Russian medical academy (professor M. Selimov), the Kyrgyz state medical academy, KKNIEMG, NAN KR.
If in 1993 the staff list was submitted by 1 PhD doctor and 8 candidates of science on 2 chairs, in 2001 10 PhD doctors and 40 candidates of science worked at 13 chairs: morphological disciplines; chemistry and biology; biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology; pediatrics No. 1; pediatrics No. 2; surgery No. 1; surgery No. 2; internal diseases No. 1; internal diseases No. 2; stomatology and Operational Surgery with Topographical Anatomy ; traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery; epidemiology and general hygiene; organizations of health care and Sexual Medicine.
Since 2002 the faculty was headed by Professor Dzholdubayev Y.Dzh. under its management a lot of work on reconstruction of the 4-storeyed educational building was carried out on the address street I. Razzakova, 21. Capital repairs of heating systems in the main building of faculty are carried out, Protection fence was constructed. As a result of carried out large construction and rescue and recovery operations and works on improvement in 2004 the 500-seated lecture halls, 100-seated reading rooms and the sports grounds were put into operation. Contracts with administration of regional and city clinical hospitals, and also regional treatment-and-prophylactic establishments of area for their use as educational bases were signed.
Two computer classes, the ACS center equipped with modern computers and office equipment, the Internet center were organized.
For improvement of research, educational and methodical activity of chairs, and also for preparation of a highly qualified scientific personnel and leading scientific researchers were attracted from higher medical educational institutions of CIS countries like, Professor Belekov Zh.O. (surgery), professor Esekeev B. S. (urology), professor Tulekeev T.M. (anatomy), professor Zhumabayev A.R. (oncology), Arstanbekov M. A. (stomatology), They are working till date.
Contracts on cooperation with leading medical schools of CIS countries are signed. In 2003, in honor of the 10 anniversary of medical faculty, the international scientific conference where the best scientific, educational and methodical achievements of faculty were presented was held. By then, in connection with discovery of almost all specialties on preparation of medical professionals, at faculty 19 chairs at which 15 professors, 42 candidates of science, 35 senior teachers and 190 teachers worked functioned. In 10 years of operation the professorial teaching structure developed more than 100 educational and methodical grants, 5 monographs on applied subject are published. The faculty actively participated in performance of state programs “The healthy nation”, “Immunoprophylactics”, health care reforming “Manas”, the national Tuberculosis programs, on AIDS and Hepatitis prevention.
In October, 2003, according to the petition of the dean of medical faculty Dzholdubayev J. the rector of Osh State University, the academician B. M. Murzubraimov made the decision on transformation of medical faculty of Osh State University to medical institute of the Osh state university. (The order of the rector of 23.09.03, the solution of the Academic Council of Osh State University of 14.07.03, the protocol No. 10). Professor Dzholdubayev Y.Dzh was appointed the director of this institute.
At the initial stage of formation of management as his deputies worked associate professor Kamalov Zh.K. (at 1-3 courses) and professor Taychiyev I.T. (at 4-6 courses). In the subsequent, for the purpose of further improvement of administrative and managerial activity and optimization of educational process, at medical institute three faculties were open: medical (deans: at first professor Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. then by results of a competitive choice – associate professor Rayymbekov O. R.), stomatologic (the dean: associate professor Arstanbekov M. A. ) and faculty of postdegree training (deans: at first prof. Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. then – professor Zhumabayev A.R. ) .
In 2006 the director of institute it was appointed Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate professor Arstanbekov M. A. By then from the date of functioning of institute it was defended 8 doctoral and 17 master’s dissertations, including 3 of them – graduates of institute, and also in a completion stage there were about 10 dissertation works of competitors. Since 2003 the institute was included in partnership with the CAR, cooperates with AMSZ, medical institute of the Southern Florida. In 2007-2008 the position of the director of institute was taken up by Professor Tulekeev T.M. During this period, in connection with cardinal state reforms in an education system, In this regard many students of higher education institutions were transferred to medical faculty of Osh State University. In structure of management deputy directors – deans of faculties as whom worked were defined. associate professor Rayymbekov O. R. (dean of the I medical faculty), MD, professor Taychiyev I.T. (dean of the II medical faculty), MD, professor Sulaymanov Sh. A. (dean of small specialties). Under the leadership of professor T. Tulekeev subjects of the scientific directions of faculty are systematized. In particular, the following scientific directions are defined: “The organization, management and epidemiological researches at the present stage of development of health care of the Kyrgyz Republic”; “Optimization of the surgical help among children’s and adult population, improvement of new methods of diagnostics and treatment”; “Morpho-functional aspects of studying of structures of an organism, influence of ecologically adverse factors on a reproductive condition of inhabitants of the South of Kyrgyzstan”; “Development of physical and chemical bases of synthesis of new substances and studying of their properties”. Widely practiced development of perspective scientific programs and grant projects carrying out by chairs of research works.
It should be noted that the main part of carried-out research work was initiative, and three subjects were financed GANISom, in particular: “The antimonial biogeochemical region Kadamdzhay morphological aspects of reproductive health”. Head: MD, professor Tulekeev T.M. ; “Development reasonable methods of diagnostics of multiorgan insufficiency at patients with sepsis among the population of the South of Kyrgyzstan”. Head: … associate professor Turatova T.D.; “Research of a condition of reproductive potential of girls – teenagers in rural areas”. Head: … Israilova Z.A. In 2003 Osh on the basis of medical faculty of Osh State University at the initiative of professor Sh. Sulaymanov was carried out the 3rd National Congress by diseases of respiratory organs. Besides plenary and section sessions, within the Congress took place School of the pulmonologist (with the participation of the European Respiratory society) and Competition of young scientists, Center of postgraduate medical education Osh and Osh state University medical institute. Materials were published in the Central Asian medical magazine.
Within “Week of science” at medical institute Osh State University was annually held scientific and practical conference of students, young scientists and employees. After plenary session section reports according to the following sections were heard: fundamental sciences – morphological, medicobiological and humanitarian; microbiology and infectious diseases; organization of health care and medicine history; therapeutic and surgical diseases; obstetrics, gynecology and children’s pathologies. Students acted with scientific (25-30) and bench (8-10) reports. During carrying out “Weeks of science” it was created a corner exhibition of creative works of students preparations, illustrations, etc. In recent years a number of students – Toktosun to. Ayperi, Anarbayeva A., Akmatov B., etc., took prizes and are awarded by Certificates of honor of the rector of Osh State University and management of medical institute.
By then on 16 chairs of medical institute more than 240 employees, from them worked: 15 doctors and 49 candidates of medical sciences, honored doctors, excellent students of health care. In postgraduate study 11 graduate students were trained: 6 on internal and 5 on tuition by correspondence. More than 30 employees are competitors. Since the beginning of functioning of institute were successfully defended 6 doctoral and 20 master’s dissertations, including 6 of them – graduates of medical institute. In a completion stage there are about 5 dissertation works of graduate students and competitors.
Employees annually published over 200 articles in the international collections, including 35-40% – the central and 60-65% – in local editions.
Scientists of institute conducted close cooperation with leading higher education institutions of the near and far abroad: KGMA (Bishkek), KRSU (Bishkek), National academy of Sciences of KR, the Andizhan state medical institute (Uzbekistan), KAZGMU of Asfendiyarov (Alma-Ata), KAZGMA (Astana), MMA of Sechenov (Russia), the Krasnodar medical institute (Russia), the New York academy of Sciences (USA), University of Georgia (USA), University of Athens (USA), Medical faculty of Ankara university (Turkey).
At medical institute over 2500 students, including students from the foreign and neighboring countries were trained: Pakistan, Nepal, India, Iran, Turkey and from CIS countries. Training of students of medical institute was provided in the educational and clinical bases located in treatment-and-prophylactic city institutions and area. Opening of office of a nuclear magnetic resonant tomography (nuclear magnetic resonance) on the basis of the Osh regional children’s clinical hospital became big plus for many students, and especially for inhabitants of area.
In 2008 the medical institute was transformed by the decision of the Academic Council of Osh State University to medical faculty. Following the results of competitive elections Professor Sulaymanov Sh. A. was elected the dean of faculty. which directed faculty till appointment as his director of the Osh interregional joint clinical hospital. Under the leadership of professor Sulaymanov Sh. A. in the new course works on optimization and further improvement of educational and pedagogical, scientific and methodical and organizational and educational activity of faculty began. The coat of arms and flag of medical faculty is approved. A number of standard and legal documents on settlement of educational process was updated or again created. For the organization of work of dean’s office the legal document with release of newsletters on the weekly work of faculty in the Kyrgyz language was entered. The Center of information technologies equipped with modern computer and office equipment was organized. The electronic database in number of more than 3000 names of books on medical literary educational sources was created.
Rescue and recovery operations on registration of a facade of the 4-storeyed educational case, with gardening of the adjacent territory were carried out.
In 2009, in connection with appointment of professor Sh. Sulaymanov as the director of the Osh interregional joint clinical hospital, to a position of the dean Professor Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. was appointed. which fulfilled duties of the dean till December, 2011. During work as the dean of faculty, professor Zh. Zheenbayev, put considerable efforts for improvement of activity of faculty. On his initiative and under its management the medical faculty moved to the new educational campus the Campus of OSh State University which is located on the river bank of Ak-Buura in a southeast zone of Osh. Despite a number of the objective and subjective reasons which were available in the republic, it persistently defended a question of construction of own medical clinic of faculty with which drawings, it acquainted all staff of faculty. Serial replenishment of a library stock of faculty which almost conforms to standard requirements was adjusted. The Center of medical information technologies which actively promotes introduction in faculty activity AVN system is again organized. Many chairs were equipped with modern multimedia devices, the computer equipment and other TSO.
For optimization of educational process work on restructuring of chairs of a surgical, therapeutic, pediatric and stomatological profile, and also theoretical disciplines are begun. A number of new profile chairs is created. Within the Concept of development of Osh State University for 2011-2015 it is offered to create training centers on development of practical skills by internal diseases, pediatrics, surgery and obstetrics. In December, 2011 following the results of the basis of competitive elections the dean of faculty it is elected Professor Arstanbekov M. A. which actively continues to work for the faculty benefit.
Today medical faculty, being one of the main structural divisions of Osh State University, has image of solid educational institution, It became the educational, scientific and cultural center for the southern region. The medical faculty of Osh State University trains students on 4 specialties: “General Medicine”, “pediatrics”, “stomatology” and “medico-preventive”.
The faculty is adequately equipped with educational and clinical base. Fundamental medical disciplines are taught in the separate educational campus equipped with educational classes, laboratories. At high scientific and methodical level the newest technologies of training are used. Students of older years, since the 3rd course, get medical education on the clinical chairs equipped according to modern requirements located on the best clinical bases of a therapeutic, surgical, stomatologic and pediatric hospitals.
The basic structurally making elements of faculty are chairs. Today at 21 chairs of medical faculty works 21 doctors of science, 17 candidates of science. Among the faculty there are honored doctors (Shaynazarov T.Sh. Zheenbayev Zh.Zh. Nuruyeva Z.A. Arstanbekov M. A. Sulaymanova I.S. Abdymomunov T.S. ) excellent students of education and the health care, awarded by awards and medals. At medical faculty 4549 students, including 1051 students from foreign countries and 210 students from the neighboring countries (from Pakistan, Nepal, India, Iran, Turkey and from CIS countries) are trained. For visitors of students good living conditions are created, rooms are arranged at the rate on 2-3 people in a 4-storeyed hostel located in the downtown. Nearby there is a regional library with reading rooms. In a hostel the dining room and buffets function.
The staff of medical faculty conducts research work on the priority directions of the scientific researches approved by councils of the Osh State University and the medical faculty. Total number of scientific subjects – more than 20 directions in which development teachers, research associates, students and graduate students of all chairs and research laboratories of faculty take part. On a number of subjects of research are conducted by intercathedral and interlaboratory groups.
Material security of faculty corresponds to the state standards, is available corresponding lecture (12 halls) and classroom fund (the 184th miss. ) . Now on chairs multimedia projectors, TVs, Slidescopes, LCD projectors, a complex of CD disks, scales medical, microscopes, microtomes, centrifuges, video cameras, videorecorders are used. Possibilities of multimedia library and university Internet hall are actively used. Classes are given on bases of leading treatment-and-prophylactic city institutions and area.
Many young specialists, having gained degrees, fruitfully work in the sphere of practical health care, giving highly skilled medical help to the country population. The clinical specialization is open for continuous training at university on post-degree training.
Celebrating 60-year anniversary of the Osh state university, the staff of faculty is adjusted on creative activity and intellectual search, and we clearly realize that the future of Kyrgyzstan depends on efforts, professionalism and responsibility of each of us.
For More Details
Visit: https://oshmed.edu.kg/